Do you find you don’t have time for anything? Not enough hours in the day?
Is your time spent on everyone and everything except yourself?
Do you have time to eat? Do you have time to go to the toilet?
It probably feels like you’re just always playing catch-up.
I get it. I really do.
At one point, I was juggling 2 little kids, a 9-to-5 job, commuting, an online business, kids activities, football coaching and a wife.
I remember thinking that in the US and UK, we work long hours – pay huge taxes and have no time for ourselves. But over the years I’ve become much better at managing my time. Here’s how:
Time Inventory
We all have 24 hours in the day. This is how the typical American spends their time:

This might not be what YOUR time split looks like, but it’s so important to see where your time is going.
Write it down.
Are your hours towards your job? Are you sleeping too much?
Are you spending a lot of time on housework or kids activities?
Make a list of your typical work-day and get detailed!
For example,
- Sleep – 6
- Getting ready – 0.5
- Commuting – 2.5
- Work (inc. emails) – 8
- Gym – 1
- Cleaning – 0.5
- Eating – 1.5
- Social media – 2
- Netflix – 2.5
This will give you an idea of where you can save time.
Sleep Schedule
I know this sounds obvious, but it really helps. I understand that you probably feel drained and need the extra sleep.
Or you feel that you have to catch up with everything you missed during the day, i.e. emails, texts, Netflix series, etc.
We need 8hrs sleep on average to be fully functional. How many hours are you getting?
Try sleeping at 10pm and wake up at 6am, for example.
Get a sleep tracker like SleepScore or Sleep Cycle which allows you to check how much quality sleep you’re getting!
Reduce Screen Time
You should try to reduce your screen time at night. Scientific research shows that you shouldn’t look at phones/laptops (or anything else emitting blue light) an hour before going to bed.
That’s because excessive blue light impacts upon your dopamine receptors, giving you that addictive feeling you get with drugs!
I know, this is hard for a lot of people – but at first try reducing screen time.
Also if you’re scrolling through social media, it’s so easy to lose track of time! 5 minutes becomes 10 minutes – which becomes 20, 30mins, etc. I’ve been there.
You can also track your phone usage both in the phone settings itself and in the social media options.
The night before, write down the tasks you want to complete the next day. Then rank the tasks (1, 2, 3…) in the following ways.
Type of tasks –
Research has shown that we are best at completing logical and process oriented tasks before 12pm, and creative work after 12pm.
So tasks such as spreadsheet analysis, accounting, data entry, etc should be prioritized for the morning. Tasks such as writing, content-creation, idea generation and brainstorming should be prioritized for the afternoon.
Importance –
If most of your tasks are logic/process oriented, then rank the tasks according to urgency. I find that if I wake early and get those urgent and important tasks done first – then I get that sense of accomplishment knowing that those key tasks has been completed.
I then have the flexibility to work on other projects, focus on my mind and body or spend more time with friends and family.
Once you learn to prioritize tasks the day before and make it a habit – your brain doesn’t have to spend time making deciding what to focus on the next day.
Decision making is cognitively taxing, so avoid unnecessary decision making. That includes what clothes you will wear or what route you will take.
Avoid as much decision making as possible, by planning such things that night before.
The average US person works 37.3 weeks a year. That’s 72% of the year.

That doesn’t leave much time for everything else in your life.
If your time is limited, then how about leveraging your money? That means delegating or outsourcing tasks that you normally do – but to someone else?
Such tasks could be cooking, cleaning, school runs, side hustle projects.
- Can you hire a cleaner?
- Can you hire someone to cook a couple of meals each week?
- Can you get someone to maintain your accounts and file your tax return?
- Can you use freelancing sites such as Upwork and Fiverr to outsource things like web design, advertising, email copy, etc?
What’s Your Time Worth?
There’s a concept called Income Generating Value (IGV). This is calculated as:
Total Income (for the week) divided by Total Hours worked (for the week)
You can calculate your own IGV by assessing your weekly income (from all sources), and then divided by the actual time you worked in that week (in hours).
If your IGV comes to $20/hr say, then that means you should look to take on tasks that help to increase your IGV, and reject or outsource those tasks that take too long, or do not add to your income, i.e. lower your IGV.
For example, if you need to build a website but find it too long and time-consuming – you are better off outsourcing that task and focusing your time on improving your current IGV with income-generating tasks.
So calculate your own IGV, and then assess which tasks/processes you carry out during the week that could be moved on, automated or outsourced to free up your time. Once you free up your time, i.e. 1 hr – you can use that hour to focus on revenue-generating or important tasks that would hopefully increase your IGV.
Alternatives To Your Job
If your job takes up most of your time, ask yourself – is it really serving you?
- Do you enjoy your job?
- Is it worth the time you sacrifice?
- Can you do something else that would consume less of your day and earn you more?
If you have a particular skill or niche that you specialize it – have you considered freelancing? This is where you provide a service in return for income. Upwork and Fiverr and great freelancing sites where you can post your services.
However, freelancing still requires an input of your time and effort in return for an income. In that sense it is capped income.
What about other online business models like affiliate marketing or ecommerce?
These are examples of leveraged business models, where you don’t have to ‘oversee’ a sale. In that sense, your time is leveraged.
Set the system up once and it runs on auto-pilot. 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.
It is important to remember that with an online income, you don’t have to be ‘logged-in’ or online yourself for a sale to occur. Once my funnel are set up – there is no involvement from me.
I’ve been pleasantly surprised when I’ve checked my phone to see that I’ve made a sale. And I could be doing anything during my day.
I could be at the gym or eating breakfast. I suddenly have much more time in the day.
I’m living my life. This is known as the modern wealthy way:

If you’re looking for a beginner’s online business model – then I would recommend affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing helps you live the modern wealthy way. Click here to understand what affiliate marketing is and how it works.
No time for anything? Then I would advise you to:
- Start reviewing where you time is spent.
- Prioritize those key tasks and activities.
- Seek ways of leveraging your time and money to create more time.
You can achieve #3, by earning the modern wealthy way, i.e. starting an online business.
This is what I did in 2019, and would highly recommend it for people looking to create more time and choices in their life.
Click below to start watching a free video workshop on how to get started living and earning the modern wealthy way.